
RUB-A-DUB Party Canceled

Cedric Gidarisingh, a director of the Trident Events Group that had organised the Rub-A-Dub event, said he is “disappointed” by the way in which government shut the event down.

Around 9:05pm on Saturday, police and staff from Public Health went to the Lions Centre, where the party was being held, and issued the emergency order to cancel the event.

A government statement was issued subsequently advising the public of the decision, and also recommended the cancellation of large events.

In a telephone interview with the Cayman Compass on Sunday, Gidarisingh said, up until doors opened, he was under the impression that he had the green light to proceed, based on prior approvals received and the adjusted public health regulations.

“None of the four departments that I got approval from informed me of any intention to cancel the event, either the night before or prior to the commencement of the event,” Gidarisingh told the Cayman Compass.